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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Chapters 12 to 14

This time I shall not write so much about the summary.

David, Rosalind and Petra are on the run. The people of Waknuk discovered their secret telepathic powers. Few people have been put under an investigation; tortured and enslaved to explain their powers. Micheal works undercover, and helps David and Rosalind to choose the right path, so they can avoid the search groups. Throughout their run, Petra encounters an incredible vision from a person living in the "Sealand". They manage to communicate effectively and share their thoughts. The "Sealand" person promises to send a search party after them. At the end of the run, Fringes capture David, Rosalind and Petra, which is a good sign since they will be able to stay away from the country and people that wont to capture them. Chapter 14 ends when David encounters a Fringe who has visited Waknuk before. He sets his eye on Rosalind because he wanted to have pure babies since a long time. David is taken away from the girls....

It is an interesting chapter overall. There is a lot of action; David and Rosalind running away, people attacking them with arrows and Fringes capturing them. It feels as though as the children have a lot of luck too. They are on the run, and the fact that Fringes captured them helps them to avoid the people of Waknuk. "A chain of luck" this is the term I would use this chapter. David description of Rosalind is a very romantic. The tenderness, affection, understanding and care are all present. In the moment of desperation, we try to think of positive memories that will cheer us up. I can see David maturing stepping toward adulthood. It is unique to express such strong feelings at such a young age. Once captured David hold a conversation with one of the Fringes. David learns that tribulation was a sign of God, a sort of punishment to remind people of his powers. In different chapters, David talks with individuals about tribulation. I think that at his point David is mixed-up. Each person has their own theory and beliefs, which collide and confuse David. He seems not sure of what to believe, and who is right at this point. That's why during his last chat he decided to move away from the topic because he is tired of this pointless discussions.
Through this chapter, we learn of David's emotional side and his path towards adulthood. Petra is a key player , since she is the one who transmits all the visions. She resembles a god, a mighty person, protected by her guards; in this case David and Rosalind. Children finally experience and visualize the Fringe's land. They can see the birth defects that each person has, but the tall tales about these people were surely exaggerated. Fight for survival continues. What will happen with Rosalind? Will she be exploited? The problems did not stop, they have just began. I hope that the rescue team will arrive in time, and take the children to the place where their telepathic powers are welcome and accepted...


Anonymous said...

I agree there is a lot of action in these three chapters. I couldn't put down the book at times. Right at the beginning of chapter 12, it hits you hard. They are to go. I was really nervous for the kids. At one part I thought that it would be good to be captured by the Fringes people, but when the attack came and David woke up tied up I was scared. I didn't really know why the Fringes people would want the kids anyways. When the Spider man looked at Rosaline, I knew her and David’s uneasiness and the un-comfortableness they must have felt.
With all the different theories out there about God and The True Image and Tribulation I can't see how David couldn't be confused. It really makes me think of and question all the different religions in our world. At times when questioned they can't all be right but somehow your talked into believing one.
At the end of chapter 14 you still don't know what happened to Rosaline. I really hope something comes up and David rescues her before anything terrible can happen. Also David takes on a beating. I truly hope he is all right and will somehow find help.

Robin said...

In my view, Fringes attacked David, Rosalind and Petra for two main reasons. One of them includes the horses; they were genetically modified. It meant that they were powerful and stronger than the original breed. Secondly, the Fringes heard about few children escaping, so they suspected that they might of captured the right people. Holding them as prisoners or getting a reward surely went through their head. I am not surprised that the author does not tell the readers about Rosalind. What goes through my mind, is if she will be forced to have sexual intercourse? As mentioned, Spider man wanted kid, with a woman who was pure. Even I would feel uneasy if a guy would stare at me and I would be tied with chains; therefore, unmovable. I am not going to spoil the upcoming chapters, hope you will like the ending.