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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Chrysalids, written by John Wydham

I decided to start a little discussion about the book called "The Chrysalids". I am beginning with cahpters 1 to 5. Feel free to add any suggestions, thoughts, or ideas about this book. Please feel free to answer my questions. I would greatly appreciate if you could please stick to the topic. Do not write about other books or something out of space.

Thanks for the cooperation :)

What can bring an apocalypse? What is awaiting us in the future? The Chrysalids novel, defines a certain possibility that is fictional, yet probable. The first five chapters introduce the characters and different settings. The main setting of the story happens in Labrador, Canada. As one of the only hospitable places on Earth, it becomes home for the people who survived the great tragedy. A small society, concentrated on farming and religious beliefs begin their new way of living.
David Storm is the main character and narrator in the story. His family is strictly religious and believes in purity of humans. “Blasphemies” or simply mutated people are considered to be outcasts of the society. David’s father is the head of the village, as well as its main preacher and idealist. He makes sure that the town of Waknuk continues to value God and religion. “Old People” are considered to be historical. Through their mistakes the world was torn apart, and to prevent such a tragedy it is a necessary to follow God’s teachings. Such thinking creates a boundary, which by any means cannot be crossed. David made a mistake when he thought of having an additional hand to complete his tasks. His father could not comprehend such behaviour and thus punished his son. I do not appreciate such narrow-mindedness. I believe that everyone has the right to express his or her thoughts and that religion should not be the driving force in life. David may seem normal, but he has hidden powers in his brain. He has so called telepathic ability. He has many vivid dreams of the “Old People”, and can see the past. It enables him to think differently and question the world around him. The fact that David keeps Sophie’s secret away from everybody else proves that he is different than all the villagers. I think that as a child David views friendship far more important than religion. Sophie has an extra toe, but David does not care at all. David may be brave, but as a child his chances of winning the battle against the inhabitants of Waknuk are low. What will happen to Sophie and her family? At the end of act 5, they are captured. I am keen to see how far will David go to rescue his mate.
In the world we live today, nuclear threads are very common. Countries such as: Iran, the United States, Canada, etc are in possession of nuclear power. I am not surprised that the author indirectly talked about the destruction of the world by nuclear explosions. Though it might be a fictional thinking, there is a big possibility that nuclear wars will take place in the future. Since World War 1, the advancement of technology has gone beyond our imagination. People do not fight with swords and shields; they use heavy machinery and sophisticated equipment. Wars are more destructive than ever. The government leaders are hungry with power. Superpowers like China, the United States of America and Russia collide with each other to control the world’s markets. World War 3 is approaching in slow steps.
As I analyze my first chapters, I start to understand why people of Waknuk were so religious. They are cautious about things and do not desire to ruin their lives. Setting certain rules and standards helps them to respect humans, animals and nature. Looking into future is so important. We have to plan our lives ahead to avoid the unpleasant that could surprise us.


Anonymous said...

In chapter 4 the author very abruptly mentions David and a man from the fringes. I am wondering if there is more to their short conversation. was the man only wondering wish town he was in or was there something else.
I thought it was very brave of David to keep Sophie's secret and not tell his father or any on else.it most be very hard for Sophie. not being able to go to school, therefore not meeting anyone her age.
I really like the way the author makes you feel in the book, but also when David is talking about the Old People. it is fun to see what the author throws in about our world today.

Anonymous said...

When I was reading the part of the story when Sophie and David are down by the river catching fish, I knew something bad was going to happen. i almost shed a tear when Sophie and her parents had to leave. I found the fact that David could understand what Mrs. Wender was thinking before she said it. imagining that ability is incredible.
David was very brave to stay in the old house all by himself. when he arrived home, i was desperately hoping that he would not be noticed. but that was not the case. his father was i find very harsh.
in our world today i find that we should value nature, animals and the people of our world. but to go to such extents like the habitants of Waknut is absurd.

Anonymous said...

People of Waknuk were very extreme with their beliefs and purity. I think it was normal, why? When something bad happens, such as tribulation, the whole world goes up-side down. As any human being, we all have fears, which we try to avoid. This is how the survivors that moved to Waknuk could of felt. (Let's keep in mind that it is a fictional story) None of them wanted to experience tribulation again. By imposing strict rules, their mind would be focused on their lives, not on the past experiences. How will we act when we are in danger? We won't know unless we truly experience such a situation.

I wish I had telepathic abilities. Know what my friends, parents, teachers, etc. are thinking of. On the other hand, would I like to know everything? The answer is simple, NO. When I will die? How will I live when I grow old? Skipping ahead means loosing the goodness of the present. We should cherish what we have now, but at the same time think of our future.

Let's compare David's situation to the world today. Everyday, teenagers are faced with peer pressure. Sometimes, we do things that we would never do in our lifetime. David and his companions are different than the people of Waknuk. They did not fall into this vicious circle, of religious maniacs. Being different does not mean that someone is worse or "uncool". Different means original or creative. David made his choice; which benefited him at the end. He and Rosalind found a place where they could live peacefully for the rest of their lives. Life is all about choices, choices that will affect our lives. It is only in the future that we will be able to reflect upon the decisions we made.

What truly attracts my attention in this story, is the vision of the future. The prediction made by the author is so probable. Going back to history, to Japanese town of Hiroshima. America used atomic bombs for the first time in history. the destruction was immense. The world got a taste of how damaging this new weapon could be. All the great powers are in possession of atomic bombs. Nowadays, a war would last few days or maybe a week. We are responsible for our own actions, and the power of destruction is within our hands. It is our choice to have them clean or coated with blood.

Anonymous said...

I think you have a good point in your first paragraph about why the people would go to such extremes. Although the idea still scares me a bit.

When I think of being telepathic my mind just says cool! I would also like to be able explain myself easier to friends and family like in the book but without the surprise factor in life I think it would be rather boring. Although in this book, they can not read others minds if that person does not have the special ability, which is different then my idea of mind reading but also would somewhat could still involve not knowing every thing!

I really love your definition of being different. It is most definitely not a bad thing. Sometimes in life we tend to do things we regret, mistakes, slip-ups, mishaps. But When I am sad and feel stupid, my mom always asked me to think to myself if I learned anything from it. Now I think back and wouldn't change anything stupid or embarrassing I did.

Robin said...

Thank you so much. As I talk about being different, it does not mean that I am original at all times. Sometimes, I am influenced by others, and tend to do something wild or if you prefer crazy. Definitely, it is important to have your own opinion and evaluate your alternatives. How can I say no, without using the word? How can I slip away unnoticed? As for me, there are things I would change if I had a magic wand or a time machine. HEHE the good old times. For example, I miss touring around the world; that was simply amazing; the exhilarating voyages, new cultures and of course the sun :) Thanks for the post again

Anonymous said...

Of course. Inspiration is turned off at some times. At points I just want to be blended into the crowd at high school or anywhere sometimes, but others wish to stand out. Being left handed many people when they first find out think it is very cool. I do too. If i had David's ability, i think I would just want to shout it out and have people thinking it is interesting. Having to keep that big of secret would have been torture for me. I can not put myself in his situation but i do understand why he didn't feel the same way I do. When he was growing up it was a bad thing and being unique was punished.
(lost my inspiration)
What do you think?

Robin said...

Throughout my week, I have ups and downs, that I just can't control. One day, I am able to write my essay or do my research at a brisk rate, other I am as slow as a turtle. There are many factors that influence our inspiration: good night sleep, healthy eating, our brain's capacity, etc. If you are tired and cannot find inspiration, you should not give up. This is the easiest solution! Be positive and believe in yourself.

It is difficult to keep a secret. If you are able to do so, then it means that you truly value your friend, brother, sister, etc. For David it was difficult, but he managed to survive without being tortured or killed. Sometimes it is better to keep our mouth shut. Silence is gold and speech is silver. Which is worth more? I think everyone knows the answer to that one :)