A place where students with the Global Learning Institute can share their work with the world and get comments.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chapters 6 to 8

Chapters 6 to 8

In chapters’ six to eight, there is quite a lot happening. First, David meets with the inspector and is interrogated for his involvement with Sophie. David seems to understand the situation, but feels very sad that Sophie will be punished for having an extra toe. The inspector is a very important person; his authority exceeds anyone living in Waknuk. Uncle Axel becomes a very important friend that David can trust. He tells this amazing story of the world outside Labrador. He retells his voyages to the south. He describes dark cities, mutated animals and plants, Fringes’ lands and other exciting places to see. He discourages David to go on such a trip because it is far more dangerous than what he thought it would be. An important characteristic about Axel is his willingness to understand the world around him and to keep David’s secret. He makes a promise to keep David’s dreams a secret and assures him that everything will be fine unless David will not expose himself publically. Axel questions whenever what we truly believe must be necessarily true. Bible does mention any deviations; it simply people’s mentality which guides our lives. In my opinion this was the funniest scene so far. As I can see David having so many troubles comprehending what his uncle is saying. On the other hand, David is a child; it will take him many years before he will view world differently. Uncle Axel is an amazing person. He is such a smart person, someone different from this boring society. I think that as the story progresses he will be David’s help, a person that will protect David from others.
The most striking scene appears when David’s mother gives birth to a new child. At the same time aunt Harriet’s visits the family. She also gave a birth to a child; however, her child has a defect. It is much smaller than all the other kids. Harriet asks David’s mom to switch kids so she can get a certificate because she won’t be able to stand a third loss in such short period of time. David’s father is repelled by such a request. He calls Harriet a devil and her daughter a “MUTANT!”. I found one quote particularly interesting. It is on page 75, Chapter 8, first paragraph, 8th line. “I am not ashamed- I am only beaten… I shall pray God to send charity into this hideous world, and sympathy for the weak, and love for the unhappy and unfortunate.” “I shall ask Him if it is indeed His will that a child should suffer and its soul be damned for a little blemish of the body…” Quote page 73, second paragraph, 10thline. I can see a desperate mother, so desperate that she is acting impulsively, yet using her mother instincts to protect her child. She refers to God, and questions his will. She wishes to understand whenever her child needs to suffer pain, for something she did not do. There is no surprise that at the end Harriet commits a suicide. Let’s by real, losing three kids in a row, is simply too much to bear. Suicide looks as the easiest option at the time. I can truly understand why this woman ended her life. Who would not?
David starts to be frightened about his secret ability. He starts to pray to God to wash his “sin” away so he can be pure. His fright was partly brought by Sophie being captured and by Aunt Harriet’s suicide. He starts to see how dangerous it can be for being different. He asks Axel for advise, to give his some tips that will prevent anyone from seeing or noticing his strange dreams. On the other hand, he meets with eight other gifted children. They exchange thoughts and comfort each other to keep things as positive as they can.
Personally, I feel that David is frightened. The culmination of all the events makes him worried and scared of being executed or sterilized. It is hard for him to focus, since his mind is filled with tones of information; some coming from recent events, others from his uncle Axel. I believe that David’s identity will be discovered soon. I hope that this father will keep him alive. Every tyrant has a warm part of his personality. The big questions to be answered are: What will happen with Sophie? Will someone unmask David? Will Uncle Axel save David?

The Chrysalids, written by John Wydham

I decided to start a little discussion about the book called "The Chrysalids". I am beginning with cahpters 1 to 5. Feel free to add any suggestions, thoughts, or ideas about this book. Please feel free to answer my questions. I would greatly appreciate if you could please stick to the topic. Do not write about other books or something out of space.

Thanks for the cooperation :)

What can bring an apocalypse? What is awaiting us in the future? The Chrysalids novel, defines a certain possibility that is fictional, yet probable. The first five chapters introduce the characters and different settings. The main setting of the story happens in Labrador, Canada. As one of the only hospitable places on Earth, it becomes home for the people who survived the great tragedy. A small society, concentrated on farming and religious beliefs begin their new way of living.
David Storm is the main character and narrator in the story. His family is strictly religious and believes in purity of humans. “Blasphemies” or simply mutated people are considered to be outcasts of the society. David’s father is the head of the village, as well as its main preacher and idealist. He makes sure that the town of Waknuk continues to value God and religion. “Old People” are considered to be historical. Through their mistakes the world was torn apart, and to prevent such a tragedy it is a necessary to follow God’s teachings. Such thinking creates a boundary, which by any means cannot be crossed. David made a mistake when he thought of having an additional hand to complete his tasks. His father could not comprehend such behaviour and thus punished his son. I do not appreciate such narrow-mindedness. I believe that everyone has the right to express his or her thoughts and that religion should not be the driving force in life. David may seem normal, but he has hidden powers in his brain. He has so called telepathic ability. He has many vivid dreams of the “Old People”, and can see the past. It enables him to think differently and question the world around him. The fact that David keeps Sophie’s secret away from everybody else proves that he is different than all the villagers. I think that as a child David views friendship far more important than religion. Sophie has an extra toe, but David does not care at all. David may be brave, but as a child his chances of winning the battle against the inhabitants of Waknuk are low. What will happen to Sophie and her family? At the end of act 5, they are captured. I am keen to see how far will David go to rescue his mate.
In the world we live today, nuclear threads are very common. Countries such as: Iran, the United States, Canada, etc are in possession of nuclear power. I am not surprised that the author indirectly talked about the destruction of the world by nuclear explosions. Though it might be a fictional thinking, there is a big possibility that nuclear wars will take place in the future. Since World War 1, the advancement of technology has gone beyond our imagination. People do not fight with swords and shields; they use heavy machinery and sophisticated equipment. Wars are more destructive than ever. The government leaders are hungry with power. Superpowers like China, the United States of America and Russia collide with each other to control the world’s markets. World War 3 is approaching in slow steps.
As I analyze my first chapters, I start to understand why people of Waknuk were so religious. They are cautious about things and do not desire to ruin their lives. Setting certain rules and standards helps them to respect humans, animals and nature. Looking into future is so important. We have to plan our lives ahead to avoid the unpleasant that could surprise us.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Welcome to the Global Learning Institute shared blog. This is a space for students to share their work and their thoughts with others. We welcome comments from anyone with constructive ideas to share them with us.